Miniature Award | Trevor Wade Thomas “Victor Pass”

Cherry and Ed Hunter Award | Curt Gillespie “Vindicator Morning”

CC&V Mining Company Award | Ryan Aragon “Home”

Dick Grater Award | Cherrie Geerdts “Flowers of Mine”

Elks Award | Cherrie Geerdts “Flowers of Mine”

June Bradley Interior Award | Angie Marcotte “Now We’re Getting Warmer”

Gold Camp Ag and Mining Museum Award | Ken Keegan “The American Eagle Mine”

Howell J. Poucher Award | Ken Hartman “View From Victor Pass”

Kay Abbott Award | Lisa Baca “Late Summer Bloom”

Laura Gilpin Photographer Award | Curt Gillespie “Vindicator Morning”

Mardi Davis Award | Marge Breth “Wildflowers in Victor”

Poster Award | Trevor Wade Thomas “Explosion of Color”

Sunrise/Sunset Award | Trevor Wade Thomas “Explosion of Color”

Victor Heritage Society 1st Place | Trevor Wade Thomas “Explosion of Color”

Victor Heritage Society 2nd Place | Curt Gillespie “Victor 2022”

Weston Elbert Award | Chris Alvarez “Mellow Yellow Fellow”

People’s Choice Award | Sofia Balas “Enchanted Aspens”

Photography provided by Thomas Baca